Forensic OTA Auditing

Electronic Revenue Recovery Solutions for the Hospitality Industry

Online Travel Agencies, or OTAs, are an easy and effective marketing tool that can substantially increase your online presence and occupancy. There are, however, costs associated with OTA distribution channels. Millions of dollars remain uncollected annually due to the complex nature of OTA booking management.

Click on the video to learn how Hotels OTA Solutions can mitigate overlooked billback.

Why chose Hotels OTA?

Recover Revenue

We know where to look. Our proprietary audit process was developed by a former CFO with extensive industry experience.

Eliminate VCC Fees

Virtual credit card payments cost hotels an average of 3%. Our direct billing services reduce this expense significantly.

Risk vs Reward

Performance-based service delivery means the initial audit is performed at no cost to the client. No recovery, no fee.

Companion Products and Services

Hospitality Operations Management Engine

HOME is a comprehensive property management system designed to enhance your committment to service quality and operational efficiency. With a success story spanning nearly three decades, HOME continues to innovate and empower. Integrated technologies include accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, revenue reporting, cash management, payroll, operating expense metrics, forecasting/budgeting, policy planning and compliance review.

inBound Revenue

As a hotel management team, your business needs to control costs with actionable intelligence. inBound Marketing provides clear web traffic statistics, the number of new leads from your website, the average cost per lead or the powerful branding power of social media, you have more ability than ever before to monitor your marketing spend wisely. Regain control of your online identity. Inbound Revenue is the answer to increased leads, sales and revenue.

Converged Data Protection

inSync unifies data availability and governance into one solution for the mobile workforce. By extending the same levels of protection associated with the data center to mobile devices, business critical data remains accessible and secure, wherever it resides. With a single dashboard for backup, restore and remote wipe, inSync provides a converged platform to easily create policies, monitor activity, and promote collaboration across the enterprise.

Cleanroom Data Recovery

We provide persistent assurance services including incremental backup, mirroring and continuous data protection for mission critical applications, along with data recovery from failed storage devices including disk drives, flash drives, camera drives, solid state storage drives and RAID systems. Consider us when choosing a disaster recovery site, we'll evaluate your specific business needs and recommend an approach that balances costs and capabilities.

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to find out how the Hotels OTA Solution Suite can work for you.